Extender AS
9. jan. 2023
Join us on 21st-22nd February for a dive into disruptive solutions for sustainable and cost-effective assets
Since Extender's launch in August 2022 we have seen unprecedented interest in our revolutionary composite tubular technology. The SPE symposium on non-metallics is a forum to share knowledge and experiences to leverage the use of non-metallic solutions in the energy sector. Extender's technology has been developed to provide a range of benefits for geothermal, CO2 storage and oil & gas wells. We look forward to sharing the light-weight, corrosion resistant benefits that Extender brings to the Middle East. Please join us in Abu Dhabi for the symposium in February. Full details of the event can be found here: Welcome - 22AAB4 - Non-Metallic and Composite Materials 2023 (spe-events.org)